Planning Ahead For Your Special Event: Timing Your Beauty Procedures
Whether you're the bride or groom at your upcoming nuptials, or a member of the wedding party, or a soon-to-be in-law, you will want to look your best for the occasion. Just as planning for the event takes months of preparation, so too caring for your appearance and optimi...
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Spring Has (Finally) Sprung in New York City: Best Time For A Better You
As we emerge from a long cold winter, we can turn our focus to warmer weather, lighter wardrobes, and looking our best. With so many options for rejuvenation of the face and body, each one of us can choose from a vast array of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to ach...
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Fat Injections With Platelet Rich Plasma: Best Natural Rejuvenation
Aesthetic plastic surgeons are dedicated to helping patients look their best, by seeking to lessen or reverse changes that occur with age. Facial aging involves a number of processes, including loss of skin elasticity, decrease in soft tissue volume, and downward displacement of...
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Plastic Surgery Schedule: Holiday Planning As Summer Ends
As summer draws to a close and Labor Day weekend affords once last jaunt under the sun, our focus shifts from vacation, bathing suits and sunscreen to regular fall schedules, start of school, and autumn events like fashion week. The frenetic pace of winter holidays may seem to l...
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A Little Goes a Long Way: Minor Procedures With Major Effects
Cosmetic surgery involves different types of procedures that aim to improve the appearance of all parts of the body, for both men and women. These treatments include more extensive surgical procedures as well as non-invasive nonsurgical alternatives. Many patients are already aw...
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Spring Has Sprung! What Is Your Spring Cleaning Plan?
Spring is (finally!) in the air in New York City, and now is the perfect time to focus on improving your lifestyle and your looks. The snow and ice have melted after the last winter blizzard blast, and we can concentrate on increasing our well-being through better health and se...
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Fat Is Fabulous: Perspectives From Plastic Surgery
Much time and effort is spent on trying to eliminate fat from our bodies, and the means at our disposal are seemingly endless. Our focus is on reducing excess weight, either by diet and exercise, or if that fails, by any number of surgical and non-surgical interventions. Li...
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Planning Ahead for Holiday Beauty: Look Your Best With Quick, Effective Procedures
‘Tis the Season… almost! Hallowe'en has passed, Thanksgiving is around the corner, and we are about to embark on the holiday season. Here in New York City, this means more parties, more social events, more outings - and more selfies, photos, and social m...
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Liposuction and Fat Injections: Complementary Procedures
Body contouring procedures restore more youthful curves, shapeliness, and overall appearance to the face and entire body. Liposuction removes extra fat and may be performed in conjunction with fat injections which correct areas of volume depletion. In areas of fatty tissue excess...
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Making an Impact: Small Procedures Yield Big Results
When we think about plastic surgery procedures, we often jump right to major cosmetic surgical procedures that offer significant improvement in our appearance, such as the numerous “lift”, “tuck”, and “implants” procedures. For many plastic su...
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