Spring Has Sprung! What Is Your Spring Cleaning Plan?
Spring is (finally!) in the air in New York City, and now is the perfect time to focus on improving your lifestyle and your looks. The snow and ice have melted after the last winter blizzard blast, and we can concentrate on increasing our well-being through better health and se...
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Happy 2017! Time for a New Year’s Resolution and a New You
The New Year is upon us and as such, it offers an opportunity for men and women alike to embark upon a new, better path, which many incorporate into a New Year's resolution. Often these resolutions involve some form of physical or emotional improvement, including such...
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Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts For Best Results In Plastic Surgery
With the increasing popularity of plastic surgery comes an ever larger number of sources of information for prospective patients. Given the range of resources available for various cosmetic procedures, including both medical experts as well as online information and social media...
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Here Comes the Sun: How Much Is Good For You?
With springtime and warmer weather come sunnier days and more daily sun exposure. We know that UV rays can lead to sun damage and skin cancer, but some sun exposure is essential for our health. New research, however, examines the beneficial effects of sun exposure. A Swedish stu...
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Women, Excess Fat and Longevity
Excess fat around the waist is known to increase health risks including diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In women, accumulation of fat around the abdomen has also been shown to increase overall mortality. In a comprehensive clinical study which followed over 44,000 nurses, dat...
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Fruits and Vegetables Enhance Skin Tone
“You are what you eat” - once again, science is proving direct correlation between dietary food intake and physical appearance. In a recent study out of Scotland, researchers examined skin quality in patients based on their daily consumption of fruits and vegeta...
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Herbal Supplements and Plastic Surgery
Herbal supplements and homeopathic remedies are being used by increasing numbers of people, and often they confer health benefits. Some of these products, however, can affect a person's normal ability to clot, and so are potentially harmful when recovering from surgery. In...
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Eat Healthy To Help Stay Healthy
Scientific research is lending increasing evidence to support the fact that nutrition directly impacts our health. Maintaining a healthy diet leads to improved health overall, and conversely, poor nutritional habits adversely affect one's health. According to the latest stu...
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Fresh Is Best – Risks from Canned Foods
Eating canned foods has been shown to significantly increase the level of a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) in a person's body. Elevated levels of BPA have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes in some studies. BPA is a byproduct of the in...
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