Results You Seek

A revision facelift, also called a secondary facelift, is a surgical procedure designed to refine and enhance the results of a previous facelift. It addresses specific concerns by removing lax or excess skin, tightening the soft tissues and underlying facial muscles, restoring definition to the jawline and cheeks, and revising existing scars to make them less noticeable. One of the key aspects of revision surgery is ensuring it is tailored to your unique needs, which requires designing a plan for each individual patient. Dr. Hutchinson’s expertise in this field enables her to focus on each of her patient’s aesthetic goals and understand how they may be addressed following previous cosmetic procedures. 

Who is a Good Candidate for Revision Facelift in New York?

The ideal patient candidate for this procedure is usually one who has previously undergone a facelift and had reasonable expectations while seeking further improvement. Typical candidates have concerns such as the progression of aging following facial surgery, including lax or excess skin and loss of facial volume, in addition to dissatisfaction with the results of their initial facelift. Factors such as patient age, skin quality, and prior treatments and surgeries are crucial in determining the appropriateness of a revision facelift.

Middle-aged woman with blonde hair after a neck lift in nyc

How the Procedure Works

Dr. Hutchinson's approach to revision facelift involves comprehensively evaluating the most suitable options for each patient. Methods may include a combination of surgical approaches to address specific concerns and refine the outcomes of a previous facelift. Dr. Hutchinson meticulously performs surgery to reposition underlying facial structures, tighten the skin, and achieve natural-looking results. By tailoring the procedure to each patient's needs, Dr. Hutchinson ensures that each revision facelift is a personalized and effective solution.

It's essential to recognize the limitations of potential results from additional surgery after prior procedures. Factors such as scarring and changes in anatomy can impact the achievable outcomes. Dr. Hutchinson conducts thorough evaluations to assess the feasibility of further surgical interventions and manages expectations regarding potential results.

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A Note About Non-Surgical Interventions 

When planning a revision facelift, Dr. Hutchinson carefully considers the possible effects of noninvasive and "non-surgical" interventions, such as injections, fillers, radiofrequency and ultrasound treatments, and thread lift procedures. These interventions may affect the skin and soft tissues, as well as impact the potential results of any subsequent surgery. Dr. Hutchinson will discuss these considerations with patients to determine the most suitable approach for achieving their desired facial rejuvenation.

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Your Recovery 

Following a revision facelift, you can expect a recovery period that involves some swelling and bruising, which will gradually subside over the course of a few weeks. Dr. Hutchinson will provide detailed post-operative instructions to help you manage your recovery and achieve optimal results. The sutures are typically removed after about 1-2 weeks, and you can usually return to work and normal daily activities after 2 weeks. 

Longevity of Results

The longevity of facelift results can vary based on factors such as the patient's age, skin quality, and prior treatments and surgeries. Dr. Hutchinson emphasizes the importance of realistic expectations and thorough discussions with patients to ensure they understand the potential impact of these factors on the results. By providing comprehensive evaluations and personalized recommendations, she carefully guides patients through the entire process, addressing their concerns and setting achievable goals.

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Experience You Can Trust

Choosing Dr. Hutchinson for your revision facelift in New York involves trusting in her knowledge and expertise. As an aesthetic surgery fellowship-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hutchinson's extensive experience, advanced techniques, and sophisticated sense of artistry contribute to ensuring optimal results for each one of her patients.

With over two decades of delivering superior patient results, Dr. Hutchinson's surgical skills and judgment allow her to provide safe, effective, and long-lasting outcomes. Her commitment to delivering beautiful, natural results, combined with her unique approach to delivering the utmost in patient care, ensures that each patient enjoys a personalized experience and achieves their desired aesthetic goals.

Feel free to reach out to our office if you'd like to learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Hutchinson.

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